Word For Mac 2018 Text Box Transparent Background

Suppose you've inserted a picture that contains a blue sky in your Word document and would like to scatter three stars across the sky. The best python text editor for mac. You have a picture of a yellow star that you use, but the star is drawn against a red background. You could try to change the background of the star picture to blue, but why spend time trying to match the color of the other picture? A quicker way would be to make the red background transparent. Follow these steps: • Go to Insert| Picture| From File and double-click the Star file. • Click the picture and then click the Text Wrapping button on the Picture toolbar.

Word for mac 2018 text box transparent backgroundWord

To work around this issue, use the method that is appropriate for your version of Word. On the File menu, click Options.; On the Display menu, click to select the Print background colors and images check box under Printing Options, and then click OK. I have a Word document (Word for Mac v17.17) that has a number of text boxes laid out on a page to represents pieces of work in a project. In the text boxes I have text fields which are populated from the data source which is in an Excel spreadsheet. With Microsoft Word for Mac, you can easily add a background element, such as a watermark or picture, or a background color to your document. Choose Text, and in the text box, enter the text you want. You can choose the font, size, transparency, font color, and orientation of the text watermark. The text box is in the main text front drawing layer, positioned over the floating graphic. To do this, follow these steps: Use the Insert or Paste command to place the graphics image in the document.

• Select In Front Of Text from the drop-down list. • Click the Set Transparent Color Tool on the Picture toolbar. • Click anywhere in the picture's red background. • Click and drag the picture to the blue background. • Press [Ctrl] while you click and drag the picture to insert another copy on the blue background.

Decorative Text Box Transparent Background

• Repeat step 7 for each star you want scattered across the sky. Check out the, and catch up on our most recent Word tips. Help users increase productivity by for TechRepublic's free Microsoft Office Suite newsletter, featuring Word, Excel, and Access tips, delivered each Wednesday. Related Topics.